Sunday 25 August 2013

Using Eclipse for Django Development

I find Eclipse with PyDev a great Django development environment.

Download the standard version of Eclipse and then follow the Quick Install PyDev guide.

To set up PyDev, run Eclipse and set up the following:

From Eclipse Windows Preferences set up the Python Interpreter (this assumes you're using Python27):

Then I find it useful to set HTML files to be opened by the python editor:

From Project Properties (replace the green box with the name of your Django site):

Set up the Python path required for your Django site.  Here I've added my Django site and the path to a Django app /mysite/myapp:

Add any external libraries you are using.  Here I'm using django-pyodbc to use Django with a SQLServer 2008 database (I'll cover this in a separate post later):
 Set up DJANGO_MANAGE_LOCATION to the path to in your Django site, WSGIPythonPath to the file in your site and DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE to the file for your site:

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