Sunday 25 August 2013

What's this all about?

I've worked in IT for more years than I can count and have programmed in most languages and using several frameworks.  I like to try out new technologies constantly and experiment to find the best most efficient ways of doing things.   A few years ago I had a requirement to set up a data driven web site quickly and went with Microsoft's ASP.NET Dynamic Data.  While it will allow you to get up and running quickly with little code, I soon got frustrated with the lack of control I had and "too much going on behind the scenes".   I moved to ASP.NET MVC and while this was much better I still found there was a lot going on in .NET that I couldn't easily see and control.

A friend recommended Django and so I took a look.  Wow!

Django is built on the great programming language Python and with a few lines of code I could get a web site running and I could see the code behind the scenes in the python libraries I was using.  This felt to me like a breath of fresh air.  Lightweight, well structured (supporting DRY - don't repeat yourself code), fast and with excellent documentation.

If you're new to Django, you'll find superb tutorials here.

In my blog posts I'll share short snippets.  Things I found useful when building sites using Django.

Hope you find them useful!

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